Odds and Ends
Fox 40 Pearl Whistle
Many colours to choose from. Pealess whistle - no moving parts to freeze up in the winter. Comes with a breakaway lanyard (will pull apart for safety if snagged).
Silvandersson Tick Lasso
We found the Silvandersson Tick Lasso, and tried it out when a tick (in)conveniently embedded itself in my thigh. It was simple, painless, worked first try, no ouchy pinching or nipping of the skin by mistake, no bits of the tick left behind. Best results for removing a tick that we have ever had. So here it is, available for everyone to try.
Nexus Orange Whistle
A nicely priced whistle, relatively flat, good sound, sits nicely in your back pocket when orienteering.
Compass Case
A hard shelled case with a zipper close. Has two internal pockets. Can hold two compasses or a compass and a magnifier. Made by Silva.
Silva Map Measurer Path
The Silva Map Measurer Path is a traditional analog tool to measure distance on a map. It shows 8 different scales (4 on each side) for maps of 1:15,000, up to 1:750,000. For orienteers, it is easy to adapt the 1:100,000 or the 1:50,000 scale for a 1:10,000 or 1:5,000 map. Or use the 1:100,000 scale to measure cm directly on the map (eg. 30 on the map measurer = 30 cm on the map).