New products

"Service/Off" Instruction Card

This card works identical to the classic Service/Off finger stick, but in a convenient credit-card sized format. It is used to set a control into Service mode, or explicitly turn it off. It will work with BSF7, BSF8 and BSF9 controls.

The COVID Paper Chase

Even Stephen Stagg, the orienteering deer, was affected by the toilet paper shortage of COVID-19. He's on a hunt to find this coveted item and comes across many obstacles and puzzles along the way. From the creator of the original Stephen Stagg book comes a wonderful new story and collection of activities that you can do with your children from the safety and comfort of your own home.

Orienteering Clock

We are so excited to offer this clock that was designed and built in house at the O-Store. We incorporated all of the features that we, as race organizers and participants ourselves, would want to see in the ideal race clock. You'll find this clock is lightweight, easy to carry, and easy to set up. It can be easily programmed to show time counting up or counting down. And of course, your universally recognizable orienteering beeps. Beep beep beep beep beep BEEEEEP

Stephen Stagg

This delightful children's book about Stephen Stagg, the orienteering deer, is a storybook full of rhymes, colourful pictures, puzzles to solve, and armchair orienteering. Let Stephen take you on a journey to each of the eleven controls on his course. You'll pass boulders and fences, hills and clearings, smelly swamp land and dried-up streams. How do you think Stephen will do at his race?
$25.00 $20.00