The COVID Paper Chase
Even Stephen Stagg, the orienteering deer, was affected by the toilet paper shortage of COVID-19. He's on a hunt to find this coveted item and comes across many obstacles and puzzles along the way. From the creator of the original Stephen Stagg book comes a wonderful new story and collection of activities that you can do with your children from the safety and comfort of your own home.
Horloge CO
Nous sommes ravis de proposer cette horloge qui a été conçue et fabriquée en interne à l'O-Store. Nous avons incorporé toutes les caractéristiques que nous, en tant qu'organisateurs de course et participants, voudrions voir dans l'horloge de course idéale. Vous constaterez que cette horloge est légère, facile à transporter et à installer. Elle peut être facilement programmée pour afficher le temps à la hausse ou à la baisse. Et bien sûr, les bips de course d'orientation universellement reconnaissables. Bip bip bip bip bip BEEEEEP
Stephen Stagg
This delightful children's book about Stephen Stagg, the orienteering deer, is a storybook full of rhymes, colourful pictures, puzzles to solve, and armchair orienteering. Let Stephen take you on a journey to each of the eleven controls on his course. You'll pass boulders and fences, hills and clearings, smelly swamp land and dried-up streams. How do you think Stephen will do at his race?