O-Fun Software

A program for Windows 10/11 to allow clubs and organizations with SPORTident timing equipment to run a simple event where completion and running time is displayed but not recorded.
Manufacturer: O-Store.ca

The O-Store has developed a Windows 10/11 program to allow clubs and organizations with SPORTident timing equipment to run a simple event in youth programs, schools, summer camps, etc. where completion is recorded but running time is not.  A course file is loaded at the start, and if a runner completed one of the courses correctly, a short celebratory video clip is displayed, otherwise a "oh no" video is shown.  Currently no data of the event is kept for post-event analysis, however we would like to know if that is of interest to our users.

A unique (patent pending) feature is that you do not have to use the control numbers specified on the map. After you've set out your controls, a simple walkthrough of the course with a timing stick allows you to modify the control numbers in the software to match what you have in the field.

This feature was specially designed for the Go4Orienteering Games product but would be usefully in many other cases.

After purchasing this item you will receive a personalized email from the O-Store with the download file and instructions for installation. 

Please contact us (info@o-store.ca) if you have any questions about this software.